Help Center


Please allow 1 - 2 business days of processing and production time for your order to ship out.

U.S. orders will be shipped via USPS,DHL & FedEx and International Orders will be shipped depending on the fulfillment center the product is from.

Average transit times to the United States: 4 - 7 Business days

Average transit times to International: 7 - 14 Business days

We provide tracking for every order. Tracking will be available once your product is shipped. Each individual product may be shipped from different fulfillment centers across the globe as our product research team spends the time to source for quality yet affordable products.

You are able to cancel your order with no penalty! You must cancel your order 24 hours after creating it for the cancellation to be applied. If the item has already shipped, please email All you need to do is send us an email with the subject line "CANCEL".


Orders placed after 18:00 UTC +1 on Friday until 23:59 UTC +1 on Sunday cannot be cancelled.


If you have misspelled or auto-filled your address incorrectly, simply reply to your order confirmation email and give us the correct information. Notify us immediately via email at If the address is wrong, we can correct this within 24 hours.
